Eating locally is becoming increasingly popular as we have many more local farms to choose from, more farm stands, more co-ops popping up in the area, and more conventional grocery stores carrying local products. Here at Walpole Valley Farms we're kicking off NH Eat Local Month with a farm tour sponsored by the Monadnock Food Co-op. Visiting farms is one way to show your support for local food and to get a close-up view of where your food comes from. Many area farms offer tours on a monthly basis or by chance. On these tours you can get in touch with the animals, people, and land behind the farms you love and support.
What are some other ways we can show our support for eating locally? One of our favorite ways to eat local is to grow our own food. We know that not everyone has the time or space to do this so that's where your local farmer comes in. For the items that we don't grow here on the farm, we enjoy visiting farmstands and seeking out the locally grown section at the co-ops or grocery stores. Buying your veggies, fruits, meats and value added products at a farmer's market or a farmstand ensures that the farmer is getting a good price for their products. Buying directly from the farmer is a fun way to connect yourself to your food and it helps keep your local economy strong.
These are just a few ways to eat local this month. August in New England is a wonderful time to enjoy the bounty of the earth. We're lucky to live in one of the top three states to eat locally, let's keep the momentum going!