The moment we had all been preparing for arrived last week when our summer interns arrived. We spent much of the prior weeks making a comfortable space for them to live, turning our farm store into living quarters and moving the store to its new location in our old supply room.
After a day's drive from Wisconsin, Maria and Brian arrived on the farm and we could instantly tell that they were happy to be here. We showed the couple to their room and let them settle in while we cooked their first dinner on the farm: our own lamb sliders, local sauteed veggies, and a salad of our own greens, with a dessert of ice cream from Walpole Creamery.
Over dinner we got acquainted and talked about the farm, our goals, Maria's and Brian's interests (they both love to eat and were active members of the University of Wisconsin's Slow Food group), and the day ahead. Our boys were happy to have company and immediately took to the two of them.
We are so excited to share the farm and our knowledge with Maria and Brian and hope to have an extremely productive summer season. You can chat with Maria and Brian at the Walpole Farmers' Market or at our farm store on Wednesdays and Saturdays and be sure to mark your calendars for our monthly Food and Thought Potlucks on the farm, the food will be fabulous and the conversation is sure to be enlightening!!
Welcome interns!!